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Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Feb. 17, 2020

The Spring Festival in 2020 is destined to be different.A sudden outbreak of COVID-19 broke the festive mood and touched the hearts of all the people. In a war without fire, the whole nation is united in its determination to win the battle against the epidemic. China is on the way, Xusheng is on the way!

Epidemic prevention, We are on the way!

1. Actively donate money to the front line, fulfill responsibilities for the epidemic prevention

On February-1st, Xusheng donated RMB 10,000 yuan to the charity society of Dancheng, as the special fund for epidemic prevention and control, demonstrating its responsibility with the practical actions.

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

2.Answer the call to extend the Chinese New Year holiday

Affected by the epidemic situation, according to the epidemic prevention and control requirements issued by the State Council and government departments, Xusheng decided to extended Chinese New Year holiday in 2020 to February(workers to Feb-14,sales team and management to Feb-9) for preventing the spread of disease and safeguarding the lives and health of Xusheng people. Besides, Xusheng immediately started the epidemic emergency plan, which provided the operational work plan for actively and correctly responding to the epidemic situation.

3. Telecommuting for serving the customer

On Feb-10, all Xusheng sales team and management people welcomed the first day of start-up in a special way. All employees started telecommuting at home.All management are preparing for work resumption.Sales team ensured online reply timely, phone and email reception smoothly, solve customer problems and meet customer needs timely.

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Resumption to work, never neglects the prevention

On February 15, Xusheng headquarters ushered in the first day of resumption of production and work. Temperature detection, timing disinfection, wearing masks all day, ventilation…Xusheng adopted a thorough investigation, full staff prevention and control to ensure the safety of every Xusheng people, achieve the epidemic prevention and resumption of work!

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Wear a face mask in and out + measure the temperature to prevent the epidemic

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Scan health code to make sure personal travel and health situation

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Disinfect the workshop

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Disinfect the office

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Disinfect the dining room

Xusheng Hats Conducted Both Resumption of Work and Epidemic Prevention

Keep enough space for lining up 

Go Hubei! Go China!

The cold won't last long,

The spring breeze is on its way.

Everything will start over.

With confidence,

We will finally usher in the spring blossoms!

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